Privacy policy
last updated 26 February 2022Trust, like art, never comes from having all the answers.
It comes from being open to answer all questions.
No analytics
We don't analyze the traffic on this website. As such, there are no script trackers, nor cookie trackers set on your browser.
This website is SSL-encrypted, ensuring your conection with our website is secure and no unauthorized third parties can set cookies or tracker on your browser through the usage of this website.
All ressources on this website are hosted on netlify, ensuring that no tracking pixels or cookies are set on your browser through the usage of this website.
Not even Google Fonts
In order to prevent data leaks to big tech, we even host our fonts ourselves, preventing unncessary traffic from and to external servers.
Personal data
We don't collect any personal data actively from this website. You might might want to send us messages through our contact form. You are free to input any data to enable communication, such as your name and your email address.
This personal data will not be shared with our partners without your consent.
We will handle your personal data conidentially and use it strictly for the purpose of communication and/or billing.
You can request the deletion of your data in accordance to European law.
Contact us
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at contact(at)